viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

The joys of being a bookworm

In trying to come up with ideas for this new entry, I thought of many things, but thanks to the advice of one good friend I decided to write about one of my passions. During our lives we do plentiful things, some which we do not like because probably we are obliged to do them and some others that we do because for some reason, we love. What is it that I enjoy and adore the most? READING. Yes, that’s it. It’s unbelievable how the thoughts and words of a person written down on the pages I absent mindedly caress, embrace me when I read. It’s like I am eaten by the story.

The characters, the settings, the feelings and the story itself run through my blood and I forget about everything else. I’m not here anymore. I’m on faraway places travelling from castles to forests, from dungeons to outdoor fields, sailing through the air on a broom or swimming in the Great Lake trying to escape from the horrendous mermaids. Sometimes I’m lost in a huge maze, some others I’m quietly playing hide-and-seek with my brothers and sisters.

There’s a quote that reads:

    Isn’t it true? Haven’t I travelled almost everywhere? Certainly, I have. And moreover I have travelled around other worlds! How lucky I am!!! I have lived in the present, but I have taken a time machine and went back in time and I took it again and travelled a hundred years into the future. I've known worlds in which magic exists for real and worlds where “ordinary” life is magical.
            For me, it’s a pleasure that can hardly be replaced. Having the possibility of being on adventures that are only possible there, it’s without any doubt fascinating. Books are living creatures that kidnap and tie you to them, and you can barely escape even when you have finished reading it.

As well as spending hours between their pages, I could spend hours talking about them and how books make me feel, but I will stop here with a quote that sums up what I think, from one of my favourite authors:

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” 
― Jane AustenPride and Prejudice

P.D: Hopefully you would tell me about your passions, what you love doing the most and if you share my devotion to books. If so, which one is your favourite?
My list would be pretty long!

Have a nice week!  :)

Quotes retrieved from:
The first image is mine and I made the second one.

5 comentarios:

  1. I know you pretty well, and I know how much you enjoy reading as well as talking about what you read. Although I don’t consider myself a bookworm (as you are), I’ve learnt to value and love books. In fact, you taught me that (THAK YOU, by the way). Whenever I read a book I feel as if I had travelled to another world, in the same way it happens to you. And what amazes me the most is the ability that writers have to create such stories, to invent those fantastic worlds, and to convey emotions with every single word.
    I haven’t read enough to have a favourite author or book; however, I would say that “THE HOBBIT” is the book I like the most, so far. I particularly like Tolkien’s stories and the world he created, but I like other authors too. But I have to admit that I came to know Tolkien by Peter Jackson’s movies, since that is one of my passions: watching MOVIES. I feel the same enthusiasm, love and passion when I have the possibility to watch a good film. Watching a good film + some popcorn is a perfect, if not THE perfect plan for the weekend. =)

    1. haha yeah I know that you loooove the Lord of the Rings and anything related to Tolkien's stories! And I agree with you..I really like movies as well. Last Saturday I watched The book thief! I really liked it ( and not because the title has the word BOOK on it haha). It's great to be able to do the things we enjoy the most!
      P.S: Don't forget that you still have to watch the 8 Harry Potter movies haha

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. Cinthya. I totally appreciate the fact that you shared with us your love for books. I also think that books are a way of getting to experience different adventures that might not be possible in the "real world". We can witness courage and cowardice, beauty and horror and all of that without leaving the comfort of our house! But I think that what I enjoy the most about books is that it gives me the possibility to have an open mind. I can read about different situations and actions that might not be considered "correct" from my point of view. And I'm not saying that I will fully agree with them in the end, but at least I believe that authors give us the possibility to understand all of the thoughts, struggles and suffering behing certain decisions or simply a different point of view.
    As Daniela, I don't have a favourite writer. There are so many that have reach for my heart and won a little place there that I cannot name all of them!
