viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Make it happen!

Pay it forward

      I have to admit that I don't pay much attention to TV news or newspapers..I just hear about what is happening in Argentina or in the rest of the world by passing by the TV or when my parents are watching it. I never read the newspaper...why?!, you may wonder. I think that it all has to do with the negative horrible news we hear everyday... people being murdered, robberies, kidnapping, rapes, people without jobs and nothing to eat, prices going higher than ever, the civil war in the Middle East  and the list continues. I know they are part of our reality, and it makes me sad and useless. I often wonder what is happening to humanity! I guess it has always been like that. But, I came across a very interesting piece of news, something nice to last!  

So, the thing is there is this 23-year-old homeless woman called Jenedith. She has 3 kids and 2 of them live with their dad, due to the fact that she can’t give them what they need. A couple saw her and instead of passing by and just pretend she wasn’t there, they decided to help her. They took Jenedith to a supermarket and gave her some money. After that, many people heard the story and wanted to help as well. What did Jenedith do? Besides deeply thanking all of those who helped her, she said that she would only look to PAY IT FORWARD!  And she started a weekly search for those in need because she knows how difficult life can get. Moved and inspired by the generosity of others she decided to do something to help others as well.       

 I know that everything out there can be dissapointing, negative and sometimes the tons of bad news make you feel hopeless and due to that we can have a pessimistic conception of human nature. But, Hey!!!  besides all of that,  there is still hope and good people around. This story is a clear example that we can help others, get them back on their feet and move on.

Now the question is... what are we going to do from now onwards? Are we going to pay it forward or are we going to sit comfortably at home and let others struggle?
 I believe it’s all about helping each other, being generous and make others’ lives lighter, maybe we cannot help that much, but I’m sure that sometimes everything someone needs is a kind word, a gesture or even our time to listen to them. 

 What about doing something nice for someone at least once a week? Are you in?

I dare all of us to think about it and pay it forward. I’m sure it will make us feel better.



If you want to read about what Jenedith wrote on her FB account click here:

The images were retrieved from: 

7 comentarios:

  1. To read the story click under the title (Make it happen!!), there is the link to the article (Pay it forward)

  2. I really liked your post! You made a very nice reflection from a very encouraging piece of news! I believe that we recieve what we give so it's a great idea to have the daily goal of making others feel sunny and pleased with life.

    1. Hi Andre! thank you! I agree with you "we get what we give".So, give money, then you'll get some later. hahaha just kidding :P
      "Making others feel pleased with life".... Wouldn't it be spectacular if our actions made someone feel like that?!!!

  3. Sadly, it is absolutely true that tragedy is the piece of news that is mostly shown nowadays. This is the reason why I find magnificent that you decided to write about an act of kindness. I believe that we need to focus on positive things in order to get rid of the sense of paranoia and competition that seems to be rooted in our minds and start looking after each other. Her courage and selflessness are inspiring and I hope for a day in which the effects of an act of kindness get to be like in the book (or the movie). I know that it's a bit utopic but wouldn't be great if helping a person in need happened on a daily basis?

    In a change of topic (or not so much)
    Having listened to different groups expressing that the value of an act of kindness done when being reluctant to do so, is greater due to the extra effort put in it, I would like to put this questions to reflect: Is it more valuable to help others when you don’t really want to or is the fact that we are eager to lend a hand to another person of our own volition what counts? Or are just the act of kindness in itself and its effect on the person we help what matters, regardless of our willingness to do it?

    1. Thank you Ailín! Yes, it may sound utopic, but if we do it with the people we have around, our family and friends, at least to begin will be our awesome "utopic" reality, don't you think? =D maybe it's just doing the washing up without complaining haha... Probably, things like that will do.
      Interesting questions! I believe both options count. I mean, of course it's better if we heartily do it because we truly want to lend a hand...that's beautifull ! But, on the other hand, the effect on the person we help matters regardless of our willingness. The thing is, do we do it because we want to feel in peace with ourselves or do we do it because we really care about others?

    2. That's right Cinthya, I feel like some people just help others due to a sense of obligation (either moral or religious) and not because they really care about others. In my opinion if somebody is in need, they will thank us even if we don't do it with a smile on our faces. But what does it say about us? Are we really good people or are we just pretending? I find the acts that have the intention to buy your way into heaven to be wrong. I don't know, that's my opinion.

  4. I completely agree with you, Cinthya! I don't watch news programmes or even read the newspaper either. Some people believe that we don't do so in order to dodge reality, but the truth is that is impossible to do so. It only takes for you to go to the town centre and see those kids begging for money or food, or the other kids offering to wash your car window pane. Sometimes I give them money and I go back home feeling happy because I did something good but then I realise that I did SO LITTLE. Would that amount of money help him in any way? How will he spend it? And then it starts all over again and I feel useless, helpless and I realise that there are no great things I can do to help. However, it's like the picture you posted states: there are no wasted acts of kindness, disregarding how small they are..
    We tend to believe that the only possible way of helping someone is by providing them with money or food or blankets, or toys in the Children's day. AND WE ARE SO WRONG! A kind smile, a shoulder to cry on, a war hug or a nice talk cang make the change. So IM SO IN!! Im going to try to do AT LEAST one kind thing to someone (stranger or not) per week. And as Joey Tribbiani says "there are no good deeds" because all of them are selfish since good deeds make you also feel good! So its a win win situation ;) (WATCH FRIENDS and you'll understand)
