viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

A step forward or a step back?

Yesterday, I heard on the news about the educational reform for primary school in Buenos Aires. Among other issues, the ones that are highlighted are the fact that from 2015 onwards children in primary school can only get marks between 4 and 10 ( 4, 5 and 6 being failing grades), and besides children from 4th and 5th grade are allowed to pass to the following year, even if they haven't passed all the subjects from the previous year. This is what will happen on 2015. And, without a doubt there are people for and against this new reform.
            On the one hand, some people agree with this reform and claim that giving students low marks is unacceptable because children feel stigmatised. For this group of people these changes that will be implemented, seek the inclusion of all the children being educated in public and private schools.               
On the other hand, some allege that this reform instead of promoting quality education is lowering the level of it. For instance, failing grades mean that the student hasn’t reached the level required yet. And as a man on the video says: “Stigmatising is not giving a 1, 2 or a 3, it is letting someone who doesn’t know all the things he/she is expected to know, abandon secondary school”. And that is even worse than giving a student a 2.

               I think that the lack of values ​​such as effort, responsibility and hard work to achieve a goal are being emphasised with this new reform. In the way I see it, it seems as if we’re telling students “Don’t study, don’t work hard, don’t be responsible, anyway you’re going to pass the year”. And what about the students who do work hard and are responsible? It’s not fair for them, and that is in a way stigmatising them as well.
            But as usual, the government tries to cover the sun with one finger. And instead of making emphasis on other rooted issues, they believe that by establishing these changes the educational quality improves.
              I'm really worried about this, because I will be a teacher and in my opinion the student gets the mark he deserves (of course, I know that sometimes the grading system is not enough to reflect what the student knows). But, I don't like this easy and laid-back way in which education is transforming into. I agree with the education that brings out the best of man, the education that leads man to the top, which makes him a better human being. And from these goals, we're giving a huge step back.

P.D: Thanks for taking your time to read this. Feel absolutely free to give your opnion! 

Until next Friday!:D

2 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with you! When I first read this piece of news on the net I just couldn’t believe it! What kind of system is waiting for us?! Are we going to work under those regulations?! It really disappoints me! I wonder whether there is something we can do to change this reality... As you said, we are doing several things but instilling on them necessary values such as being responsible or pricing those who make an effort and work hard...

  2. I totally agree with what you say Cin. Once again this system is rewarding the lack of effort, the “no work “culture, the systematic destruction of culture and education. If we follow this line of thought it would mean that to make mistakes with its consequences would also be frustrating. If you do not teach children to handle those situations and to recover from it and move on, that is, handle frustration, we are denying them a preparation for adult life.
    When you are an adult you have to handle such situations, and to recognize that one is wrong and that it is not that bad. But if we don´t allow children to face frustrating situations, we are stealing them the opportunity to learn for life.
    The truth is that leveling down has always given poor results. It is it time to recover the culture of merit which emphasizes the importance of effort, intellectual curiosity and discipline.
