miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

And one day peace would be broken

Hello everyone! 
Today I will talk about an issue that touches me very deeply because of what it made me feel. Last week there were a series of horrible situations at the place where I'm currently studying to become an English teacher, the I.F.D.C San Luis (Instituto de Formación Docente).
 It all started on Wednesday 1st, when a group of students and teachers decided to stage a sit-in in order to claim for the immediate reinstatement of two teachers who for some reasons had been dismissed from the institution. This was the most important petition but they also claimed for a better quality of education, job stability for teachers and improvements in the building. Besides, in order to gain popularity among students they added some other claims and asked students of other careers what they would like to add to the list. 
On Thursday, I went to attend my classes and I realised that teachers were not allowed to enter the institution with the exception of those teachers who supported the claims and the sit-in. Therefore, we had classes at the buffet, and among me and my classmates we laughed at the situation and told ourselves that what we were doing was "the real revolution".

At this point the situation was serious because that same week there were final exams, and the protesters didn't allow students to sit for their exams, which to me is a huge lack of respect.. It's completely selfish and incoherent to fight for a better quality of education and at the same time, you prevent others from attending classes and giving exams. There are people who need to sit for exams for several reasons. I heard a woman saying that she had two children and she needed to get her degree as soon as possible. But, of course she couldn't because behind all of this, there are political reasons.

 I have to say that I'm a really quiet person and I avoid conflict as much as I can, but this situation made me really angry because from my point of view, the people from the sit-in hide behind them political reasons. There's a student who gets paid from the political organisation he belongs to and it's so obvious to me that they're all looking for power. People that do not belong to the IFDC and support the protesters attended Monday's meeting and some of them were really disrespectful yelling things at people who do not think the same way they do.

 We know that nowadays social networks play an important role in our lives, and these last few days I've read such horrible things that upset me a lot. People telling us ( the ones who do not agree with the sit-in) to rethink the profession we have chosen, people that said that because we study English we are all laid-back at home eating sushi and dreaming about going to Cambridge, and that English students' are all "cholulos". Imagine how ANGRY I was! They run out of arguments and start saying stupid things like this! On Mondays' meeting a girl told me in a really bad tone that my mind was highly small and that I'm close- minded. What I think is... How can they fill their mouths talking about respect? They don't even know what it is! If that girl becomes a teacher one day, and one of her students doesn't agree with something, what is she going to say?!! "No it's not like that. Your mind is extremely small, you're close minded." That's not the way you should treat people. Too bad that one day they will become teachers, without knowing what respect means.

All in all I have to say that I do agree with some of their claims, but I strongly disapprove the way in which they deal with all these issues. But, there's one thing I've learnt and that is that I have to commit myself to attend those meetings, even when the opinions of us, the ones that think differently are not taken into account because like it or not, numbers win. And democracy works in that way, with the consensus of the majority, which doesn't mean they are right. If not, ask Jesus. 

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